Local 528 COMET class is coming around the corner!
Date of class - November 23rd, 2024 @ 7am
Location - 6737 Corson Ave S, Seattle WA 98108
Building C, Room 110
RSVP by filling out the info below.
Construction Organizing Membership Education Training
Most of us will spend a quarter of our lives pursuing a livelihood. It is our intention as a labor union to make that experience as gratifying and as prosperous as possible. We hope that this Membership Information will help all members improve their ability to stay gainfully employed, increase awareness of the many great benefits of union membership and enhance their opportunity to join in our collective efforts to improve the trade. Members, Delegates and Staff of Local 528 are determined to further advance our union’s strength in the industry, for we know that to improve our lives at work we must build a unified strong union. A strong growing union will secure for us safer family wage jobs with better conditions. So please attend the COMET class, pay attention and take notes, this information may key to your membership experience with Local 528.
Message from Local 528 President
Travis Metzger
Any Questions call Jill Wunch @ 206-441-9386