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Cement Masons & Plasterers Local Union 528 is a membership of professionals who want the most from their career. 


The objective of this Union shall be to encourage a high standard of skill among its members, thus providing the trade with competent workers; to obtain and maintain a fair standard of wages; to assist each other in securing employment; to protect the jurisdiction of the trade; to thoroughly organize the unorganized working at our crafts, for mutual benefit. Providing protection and general well-being; to advance and elevate the moral, intellectual, social and financial condition of all its members.

~ This is Local 528!

We are looking for people who:

Enjoy working with their hands and take pride in what they can build. Who don’t mind putting in an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay, who are looking for a career, not just a job and understand team work.

office Phone


Dispatch / Check in



6362 6th Ave S.

Seattle, Wa 98108


M-Fr 7a–3p
Sa-Su closed



Cement Masons

Concrete is the most widely used building material. Cement Masons place and finish concrete according to specifications on roads, buildings, homes, sports arenas, and bridges – in fact, almost all man-made structures. In addition to hard trowel, broom and exposed aggregate, we can make concrete look like any natural material, such as slate, brick, wood or stone. We color, stain, polish, and stencil concrete. Imagination is the only limitation. We also set forms, repair concrete with cement-based products, epoxy injection and fiber wrap, also we apply decorative and commercial toppings of epoxy, acrylic, polymer-based floor installations. In addition, we know how to operate many types of power equipment and the tools used in concrete placement and finishing. WE ARE CEMENT MASONS!


The history of plastering of walls or ceilings dates back as far as 9,000 years ago. The material was used to set stone blocks and, ultimately, go over these blocks to make an attractive surface that could be painted or drawn on. As the material evolved, so did the craftsmen.  Today, the trade of plastering has continue to develop; embracing new knowledge and skills and combing those with new materials that last longer, look better, and add a cost effectiveness that is equal or better to any other building product at this time.

Our vision is to develop workplace opportunities and training for our membership while advancing the plastering trade through leadership, innovation, and teamwork. We are a professional trade union that represents its membership with the highest integrity and ethical values. We realize that our success stems from dedication to quality workmanship, training, and concern for the financial well-being of our members.


First and foremost, the Union belongs to its members. We have a say in how our organization operates. We elect our own leaders from within our ranks, so our representatives understand our trade and the issues that matter to us because they have done our jobs.

As a union member you will have the protection of a union contract with basic rights including:

  • Improved job conditions.

  • The right to a fair hearing.

  • The ability to speak out for yourself and your fellow workers on work-related issues.

We collectively bargain our own contracts. Our representatives are committed to negotiating better wages, benefits and conditions for their members. Through bargaining, we negotiate benefits such as:

  • Health and welfare to protect you and your family when you’re sick or injured.

  • Dental and vision care benefits.

  • Pension benefits to help you live the quality of life you deserve upon retirement.

  • Normal working hours, shift work, travel pay and overtime, etc.

We bargain for safer job conditions and enhanced health and safety programs that can help you prevent on-the-job injuries and better equip you for today’s market.

There is also a directory of the Local Unions in the United States and Canada where you can contact the local union of your choice to obtain more detailed information regarding wages, benefits, apprenticeship and health and safety.

Member Spotlight

Cement Mason – Lisa Gonzalez

Lisa Gonzalez grew up in the Kirkland area and was the middle child with an older and younger brother.  She graduated from Mariner High School in Everett and started work right away in fast food.  She soon got a job with a sub-contractor for Boeing, assembling plane parts and that led to assembling military missiles.  She enjoyed the technical part of this job and was really fascinated by the blueprint reading aspect. 



During this time, Lisa married her husband, Salvador, (who happened to be a laborer), and they had their first child, Greyson.  Lisa really enjoys working and when the opportunity presented itself to choose a better paying career, she participated in Survivor Day at our Apprenticeship and earned a spot in the program.  Her second child, Kimberly, was 6 months old when she started her first job as a Cement Mason at Conco.  Over the next 3 years, Lisa learned to patch, pour and do Shotcrete. Lisa is very well-rounded and can hold her own on the job. She enjoyed working for Walsh on the 520 Project and found a new level of confidence on that project.  She is a high-value employee who is dependable, funny and proficient. 

 Lisa and her family love to travel.  She was determined to give her children more than she had as a child.  Their combined union wages allowed them to purchase their own home during her Apprenticeship and their trips include visiting family in Mexico, California and Las Vegas.  They find their beach vacations are what they enjoy most.   



Journeyman and Apprentice training provide skilled Cement Masons and Plasterers for the industry.

  • Highly structured curriculum assures that every apprentice is trained in every aspect of the trade.

  • Over a million dollars is spent on training each year, demonstrating our serious commitment to the future of our industry and its workforce.

  • Journey level upgrade classes give our Cement Masons and Plasterers, and employers, a competitive edge in the latest technologies.

  • Safety training is a key element in everything we do. OSHA 10 and 30, Confined Space Entry, First Aid, Contact Dermatitis, Silica awareness and Hazard Communication are some of the courses that are required to help keep the workforce safe and our employers' rates down.

  • Outreach to schools, community-based organization, the military, Employment Security and job fairs are all part of our recruitment efforts.

  • Partnerships with industry management groups and other unions have been developed to recruit quality tradespeople.

  • Professional development helps our instructors and administrators stay on the cutting edge of adult education.

  • We offer customized classes for job-specific training, new product training, or the use of our facilities for in-house training.



who we are.

Organized in 1864, the OPCMIA has represented and trained plasterers and cement masons for the purpose of protecting and promoting the quality of our industry and the livelihood of our members. Plaster and concrete are ageless building materials that will not fall out of favor as long as there is a sufficient amount of workers who are skilled in the arts of installation and finishing. These materials are as unforgiving as they are durable and beautiful. Skilled hands and competent management must work together to achieve the desired result and to promote and protect this vital construction resource. We dedicate ourselves to the promotion of these materials, the recruitment and training of skilled craftsmen to meet the demand of our industry, and hold ourselves responsible to this commitment for the future of our industry and the welfare of all those who earn their living in it.